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Key Combination of the Day


Pressing Command Key-H (Command-H) in most applications will immediately hide the application and all its open windows. Windows are not minimized, but rather, they are hidden. To make the application and its windows visible again, click the application's icon in the Dock. Some applications use Command-H for other functions. You can see if Command-H hides the application by checking the application menu (next to the Apple menu).

Shareware of the Day:

Trapper Keeper - The fastest way to note.

Trapper Keeper

Trap your thoughts. Keep them here.
What if it were as easy to get stuff into your Mac as it is to find it with Spotlight?
Enter Trapper Keeper, a light and accessible utility for managing your notes. 
Always available in the menu bar, if you’ve used Spotlight, you’ll find it instantly familiar (as in instant results).

  • Fast Entry - Revolutionary combined input/search field
  • Rapid Retrieval - Spotlight-like search system is intuitive and instantaneous
  • iPod - True syncing of your entries with multiple iPods
  • Clipboard Integration - Text copied in any other program is instantly accessible
  • Security - Password protect sensitive items
  • Backup - A quick-pick for all your notes is included to further protect your information

More info and download link here:


Freeware of the Day:

SharePoints - Share data anywhere.


SharePoints is an application or a preference pane that makes it easy to add and delete share points like in the old Finder. In Mac OS X, by default, you are limited to sharing only what is in your public folder in your home directory. This program makes it easy to share any folder.
In addition SharePoints also brings back users and groups management to Mac OS X as well as easy configuration of AppleFileServer (AFS) and Samba (SMB) Server properties.

More info and download link here:



copyright 2006-2007, right enterprises
last updated friday april 27, 2007