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Key Combination of the Day

Cmd-drag icon from Dock to new location

Holding down
Command and dragging an icon from the Dock to a new location moves the actual item from its old location to the new one. (Items in the Dock are not actually located there. The Dock merely holds the items' icons and a reference to their actual locations on your Mac's hard drive.)

Shareware of the Day:

PostCard - Emailable postcards with your own images.


PostCard is a Cocoa OSX app for creating emailable post cards from your own photos or any image. Cards have an "unlicensed" sticker unless a license is purchased (after which all cards are normal).

Just drag in an image, adjust it, hit the "copy to pasteboard" button and then paste it into your mail client message.

  • custom stamp creation
  • stamp library
  • adjustable canvas size, fonts and colors
  • grab photo from a video source (such as an iSight)

More info and download link here:


Freeware of the Day:

TabStop - Never quit Safari with open tabs in error again.


TabStop is a SIMBL plugin that displays a warning when you attempt to quit or close a window in Safari that contains multiple tabs. Very handy, if you're used to keeping dozens of tabs around and you're tired of accidentally Command-Q'ing instead of Command-W'ing. TabStop is a Univeral Binary.

More info and download link here:



copyright 2006-2007, right enterprises
last updated friday april 27, 2007