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Key Combination of the Day

Command-D in Safari

Pressing Command-D (Command-D) in Safari allows you to quickly bookmark the current page.

Shareware of the Day:

Jer's Novel Writer - Manage large creative writing projects.

Jer's Novel Writer

Jer's Novel Writer is a relatively simple word processor with extra features to support large creative writing projects.

I wrote this program to fit the way I write. More specifically, I wrote it to help overcome my shortcomings. It would be terribly presumptuous to think that anyone else out there faces the same obstacles I do when I write, but it would also be presumptuous to think that I was the only one in the world with these problems. So I offer what I created to make me a better writer, hoping that it will help others too.

This program is all about momentum, and reducing the number of things that break the flow when I am writing. Jer's Novel Writer is designed to help me keep writing when the creative juices are flowing, and then find all the things I need to go over again when I am more in a nitty-gritty mood.

Feature Summary

Jer's Novel Writer has tons of handy features, as well as the features you would expect from a word processor. Here's a list of the most important ones, with details about them following:

Margin Notes
  • Automatic Outline
  • Database
  • Full Screen Mode
  • Bookmarks
  • Separate formatting options for print and screen
  • It actually knows what a chapter is (or whatever organizational structure you want to use).
  • A panel for general notes lets you keep track of story issues and ideas (and the last time you ate).
  • Word count
  • More accurate page count estimates
  • Better performance than most word processors for really, really big documents.

More info and download link here:


Freeware of the Day:

Serial Mail 
- Generate mass mailings in Apple Mail.

Serial Mail

Serial Mail is a plug in for Apple Mail to generate serial mailings from a template using data provided by an Address Book group. The program will process the message body of the (selected) template message and replace strings like <ab:first_name/> and <ab:last_name/> by their corresponding value from the Address Book for each recipient.

It supports almost all entries of the Mac OS X Address Book.

More info and download link here:



copyright 2006-2007, right enterprises
last updated friday april 27, 2007