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Key Combination of the Day

Command-\ in Address Book

Pressing Command-\ (Command-\) in Address Book toggles the selected card type as a company or an individual.

Shareware of the Day:

iSay - Wouldn't you rather dictate than type?


A completely new way of messaging.

iSay, why type when you can dictate!

With iSay, you can simplify time consuming tasks. You no longer need to type out emails when you can simply speak them, as for making notes, don't use the keyboard - say them then store them or pass them on to others as email or as notes or for transcription.

With email integration that is second to none and the easiest interface for this kind of program it is no wonder that iSay has a following of enthusiastic users. Based in part on very positive and constructive feedback we have released a greatly improved version of iSay.

  • Streamlined Interface
  • Send voice e-mail with the click of a button.
  • Store Voice Notes
  • Use your voice messages in other applications.
  • Import your voice messages from other programs and devices.
  • Bluetooth and 3GP support.
  • Hot Keys
  • Send to other iSay users over a local network
  • Support for the major e-mail clients.
  • Compatibility with Cell Phones, Windows PCs and various other devices.

More info and download link here:


Freeware of the Day:

- Webpage screenshots made easy.


Paparazzi! is a small utility for Mac OS X that makes screenshots of webpages.

It’s written in Objective-C using the Cocoa API and the WebKit framework.

It was inspired by webkit2png which is a commandline tool written by Paul Hammond in pyObjC, so all intellectual credit for the basic functionality goes to him. ;)

Paparazzi! requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later. The current version is 0.4.3.

If you find yourself using Paparazzi! often, please remember to donate!

More info and download link here:



copyright 2006-2007, right enterprises
last updated friday april 27, 2007