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Key Combination of the Day


Pressing Command Key-A (Command-A) in most applications selects everything in the frontmost window. Examples include text in text-related documents, files in the Finder, objects in a drawing program and all items on the Desktop if it is selected (by clicking on it).

Shareware of the Day:

Acquisition - Mac P2P.


  • Millions of users, billions of files - Share files with tens of millions of Mac and Windows users around the planet.
  • iTunes Intimacy - "Integration" is an understatement. Acquisition automatically:
    • imports and plays downloads in iTunes
    • marks files you already have in iTunes
    • shares files as an iTunes Shared Library
  • Media Preview - Preview audio files directly in Acquisition, even before they finish downloading.
  • Fall in love with new artists - Acquisition provides recommendations of new artists to investigate.
  • Filter the junk - Acquisition filters junk from known file spammers and the user-configurable blacklist. Keep things tasteful with Acquisition's 'adult' content filter.
  • iPod + Acquisition = Love - With its seamless iTunes integration, Acquisition works great with the iPod.
  • High-speed downloads - Acquisition uses high-tech swarming algorithms to maximise your download speeds.
  • Torrent-iffic - With its integrated support for BitTorrent files, Acquisition is the ultimate tool for the ultimate downloader.
  • iTunes-esque browsing - Just like iTunes, Acquisition arranges results in a unique artist and album browser.
  • Control your bandwidth - Limit the number of downloads, pause & resume downloads, and cap your upload bandwidth.
  • Pixel Perfect - Acquisition is beautiful. It is such a definitive design that Apple and countless others have 'borrowed' interface ideas and widgets from it.

More info and download link here:


Freeware of the Day:

Renamer4Mac - Batch file renaming.


Renamer4Mac makes it really easy to rename a big number of files according to a preset pattern. It lets you rename your files in many different ways:
  • Search & replace
  • Insert/overwrite of text
  • Number the files
  • Convert upper/lowercase
All can be done with an easy user interface and real-time preview, so you can see how the files will be named just while you're configuring!

Renamer4Mac is 100% written for MacOS X and it is localized English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish and Japanese.

More info and download link here:



copyright 2006-2007, right enterprises
last updated friday april 27, 2007